1. |
The selection by schools of subjects to be offered in the Further Education and Training (FET) band as from 2006 is now a matter of urgency as learners must make subject selections for 2006 to facilitate the ordering of appropriate learning and teaching support material by 1 August 2005 (refer Curriculum Minute 22/2005 and Logistical Service Minute 10/2005). Teachers will also be attending orientation courses based on the FET subjects to be offered by their school.
2. |
All schools should by now have decided, in conjunction with their governing bodies, staff and EMDC, on the subjects and subject combinations they wish to offer in the FET band from 2006.
3. |
Official approval for these subjects and subject combinations must be obtained from the Head of Education. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) will also use this process to develop a database of subjects offered by schools in the FET band in order to facilitate planning and future requests for amendments or extensions to the curriculum.
4. |
The National Curriculum Statement, indicating the subjects available, was gazetted in October 2003. In addition, subject statements have been written for the Technology subjects, Religion Studies and two additional agricultural subjects (refer Curriculum Minute 0070/2004).
5. |
Should a school wish to offer any of the additional subjects listed in Curriculum Minute 0070/2004, or any of the other technology subjects gazetted in 2003, it must indicate these subjects on the attached form. The school will then be contacted directly by WCED officials as soon as the status of these subjects has been clarified.
6. |
School principals are therefore requested to complete the attached form and return it to their EMDC Director by 31 May 2005. Applications received after this date cannot be processed in time for the 2006 school year.
7. |
EMDC Directors are to review the subject choices of each school in relation to other schools in the area and to make recommendations to the Head of Education. The forms are to be forwarded to the Chief Director: EMDCs by 20 June 2005.
8. |
A school’s curriculum approved by the Head: Education will remain the official FET curriculum of the school until the school applies for and is granted an addition or amendment to its curriculum. Application forms for additions or changes to a school’s curriculum will be sent to schools under cover of a circular in the fourth quarter of this year.
9. |
Your immediate attention to this important matter will be much appreciated. |
DATE: 2005:05:13