1. The Revised National Curriculum Statement (RNCS) Grades R to 9 will be introduced in Grade 7 in 2006.
2. Many Grade 7 teachers attended RNCS courses during 2003 and 2004. Those who have not yet been trained will receive training for 4½ days during the week of 11 to 15 July 2005. Details of training venues will be given early in 2005.
3. Principals are requested to register their Grade 7 teachers who have not yet received training by no later than 8 December 2004 by completing the attached form and faxing it to their EMDC.
4. In order to help Grade 7 teachers to prepare for the teaching of the Learning Areas for which they are responsible, a series of two-hour workshops will also be held for each Learning Area during the second term of 2005.

DATE: 2004:11:29

Training Venues  (size: 10 KB)
Application for registration of Gr 7 Teachers only  (size: 5 KB)