1. Heads of educational institutions and directors are requested to inform educators of the introduction of an exit interview instrument to be used when educators leave the service of the Western Cape Education Department (WCED). The aim of this instrument is to ensure effective management which forms part of the greater WCED Management Plan.
2. The exit interview instrument aims to obtain as much information as possible concerning exiting educators’ views on the working conditions and culture of the WCED. In this way shortcomings can be addressed and preventative action can be taken where necessary. As the interests of the educator should be regarded as the first priority, the information obtained will be treated as strictly confidential.
3. The WCED is introducing a new form, "Educators who are leaving the service of the WCED" for completion by the exiting educator. As soon as the head of institution or director is notified by an educator that he/she will be leaving the service of the Department, he/she must request the educator to complete the form.
4. The head of the institution must notify the circuit manager accordingly and the circuit manager must conduct an interview with the educator before the date of departure. In the case of office-based educators, the relevant director will conduct the interview. The form "Exit Interview Questionnaire" must be used for this purpose. At this interview the educator will be requested to respond to a number of questions to enable the interviewer to record his/her findings.
5. Both forms must be submitted to the Head: Education: Private Bag X9114 Cape Town, 8000, For attention: The Director: Personnel Management (Educators).
6. For the sake of completeness, it must be pointed out that as far as Public Service Personnel is concerned, the Western Cape Provincial Administration (WCPA) is currently finalising a transversal policy document. This policy however, first needs to be consulted with all the relevant unions before a similar system can be implemented for the Public Service Staff.
7. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all educators.

DATE: 2004:07:12

Educators who are leaving the service of the WCED  (size: 13 KB)
Exit Interview Questionnaire  (size: 21 KB)