1. Enclosed is the final list of recommended literature study and prescribed books for Grades 7 to 12 in 2005.
2. The list has been compiled so as to minimise the buying of new books, but provision has also been made for the introduction of new books.
3. All requests and comments have been thoroughly considered and, where appropriate, amendments have been made to the provisional list.
4. The Department wishes to express its appreciation to all who contributed to the compiling of the list. Special thanks are due to the Prescribed Book Committees.

DATE: 2004:05:10

List of prescribed books:  English 1st (Primary) & 2nd (1st add.) HG & SG;  German 3rd (2nd add.) HG & SG;  Latin HG;  French 3rd (2nd add.) HG;  Hebrew 3rd (2nd add.) HG;  isiXhosa 1st (Primary), 2nd (1st add.) & 3rd (2nd add.) HG & SG;  Sesotho 1st (Primary) HG & SG;  Setswana 1st (Primary) HG & SG;  Speech & Drama HG & SG;  Arabic 3rd (2nd add.) HG
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Lys van Voorgeskrewe Boeke:  Afrikaans 1st & 2de HG & SG;  Latyn 3de HG;  Hebreeus 3de HG;  isiXhosa 3de HG;  Spraak en Drama HG & SG  (size: 63 KB)