1. Please refer to Circular 0017/2004.
2. Until recently the only external assessment of learner progress was at the Grade 12 level. However, in 2002 and 2003 the WCED administered reading and mathematics tests to Grade 3 and Grade 6 learners. These tests provided teachers, schools and the WCED with important data on the strengths and weaknesses of reading and mathematics programmes and have assisted in targeting support to schools and teachers.
3. The results of the Grade 3 and 6 testing, as well as the drop out rates in secondary schools and the concerns of teachers and parents about the reading and numeracy levels of Grade 8 learners, prompted investigations into the possibility of assessing Grade 8 learners. Our investigations suggested that all learners in ordinary public and independent schools should be assessed so that they, their parents and teachers have an indication of their strengths and weaknesses in language and mathematics. This information is extremely important as learners approach the Further Education and Training (FET) Band and are expected to choose courses and subjects and hence career paths.
4. From the WCED's perspective it is important that learners are exposed to expertly set assessment tasks that indicate the reading and mathematics level of learners in relation to international standards. In addition, such tests should provide analysis of learners' strengths and weaknesses on a skills-based test.
5. The Testing Centre at the University of New South Wales in Australia administers tests in 13 countries to over 6 million learners in various grades annually. Every learner who writes these tests receives a detailed report of his/her results as well as a certificate of participation. Schools also receive detailed reports of learners' results.
6. The tests developed by the University of New South Wales for language and mathematics will be administered to all Grade 8 learners in ordinary public and independent schools in the Western Cape on Wednesday 19 May and Tuesday 27 July 2004 respectively.
7. The tests will be couriered to schools in the week before the tests are to be administered. Specially designed answer sheets will also be provided.
8. The tests must be administered by class teachers who must conduct the preparation for the tests from 9:00 to 9:45. The tests will run from 9:45 to 11:00. Completed answer sheets will be collected by the WCED before 21 May and 29 July 2004 respectively.
9. The results of the tests, which will be marked in Australia, will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Please assure learners who write the tests that the results will not be made available to anyone other than the school and individual learners. The aggregated results for a school will also be treated confidentially.
10. Further details regarding the administration of these tests will be provided in a minute which will reach you in the near future.
11. Please bring the above information to the attention of all Grade 8 teachers and learners.

DATE: 2004:04:28