1. |
Western Cape Education Department (WCED) tracking of learner enrolment indicates that many learners drop out of school before obtaining the Grade 12 Senior Certificate. Various studies, as well as the experience of principals, have revealed that one of the main reasons for this is that many learners are not enrolled in appropriate programmes. The WCED has therefore embarked on a major campaign to provide career-related guidance to learners in Grade 9. As part of this programme, the WCED will be assessing all Grade 8 learners in Language (English or Afrikaans) and Mathematics. These tests (in conjunction with the PACE Careers programme currently being rolled out) are intended to assist learners in making suitable career choices. In addition, they will be used to identify areas where additional support to schools may be needed and to benchmark our standards against international standards. |
2. |
The tests will be written by all Grade 8 learners in WCED public schools as follows: |
2.1 |
Language test: 19 May 2004 from 09:00 to 10:00 |
2.2 |
Mathematics test: 27 July 2004 from 09:00 to 10:00 |
3. |
These tests must be written under formal examination conditions, and the rules pertaining to the conducting of the Senior Certificate examination must be applied. |
4. |
The question papers will be delivered to schools before each examination, and the answer sheets will be collected afterwards and marked by the developers of the tests. This means that teachers will not be required to mark their learners' answers. The results, together with detailed individual and school analyses thereof, will be sent to the schools concerned towards the end of the year. |
5. |
Please note that these tests do not form part of the progression mark for Grade 8 learners, and that learners are not expected to learn specific content for the tests as skills and concepts at a level appropriate to Grade 8 are tested. |
6. |
Comprehensive details for the conducting of the tests will accompany the question papers. Principals are requested to ensure that these examinations are written on the scheduled dates and at the scheduled times, and, where necessary, to adjust their programmes accordingly. |
DATE: 2004:03:15