1. The UNESCO-initiated World Book Day celebration is held annually on 23 April, William Shakespeare’s birth date, which falls on a Wednesday this year.
2. The theme for the day, FRIENDS FOR LIFE, reflects the increased importance of reading skills and the need to use wide-ranging learning resource material in implementing the revised Curriculum 2005
2.1 Attached is a list of suggestions compiled by the Evaluators: Curriculum Resources of EDULIS (WCED Education Library and Information Service) for school-based activities to mark World Book Day in a rewarding and enjoyable way.
3. A colourful poster depicting the spirit of World Book Day will be available for collection by schools at the following venues: Metropole Central EMDC (Mowbray); Metropole North EMDC (Parow Teachers’ Centre); West Coast/Winelands EMDC (Paarl); South Cape/Karoo EMDC (George); Oudtshoorn Teachers’ Centre; Breede River/Overberg EMDC (Worcester); Metropole South EMDC (Lentegeur); and Metropole East EMDC (Kuils River).
4. Schools are encouraged to acknowledge the value of reading by participating enthusiastically in reading-based activities on World Book Day.

DATE: 2003:03:27

Let us mark World Book Day  (size: 42 KB)