The Minister of Education, Professor Kader Asmal, has extended an invitation to all schools to participate in Freedom Day celebrations in April 2003. Since the actual date, 27 April 2003, is on a Sunday, the national Department of Education has suggested that schools and educators commit themselves to the values of the Constitution by preparing activities that will highlight the value of freedom during the month of April 2003. Activities can be pitched at different levels: for example, educators could plan classroom activities, whilst Senior Management Teams could organise activities that will involve the whole school, including School Governing Bodies and local communities. The broad theme for this year is ‘What freedom means to me and my community’. Activities should reflect all or one of the following sub-themes:

  • Freedom versus oppression through the ages and across continents

  • Citizenship, democracy and the Constitution

  • Social and interpersonal freedom versus responsibility.

In order to assist you with the themes, the national Department of Education, in collaboration with the Ministerial Committee for History and the South African History Project is producing educational resources that will help you participate in the celebrations. The material will explain the themes in more detail and will also suggest activities for the classroom or the school. Classroom activities are designed as curriculum activities and not as add-on activities.

The resource package will be sent to you at the end of March 2003. Should you not have received the material by the middle of April 2003, please contact your EMDC or provincial co-ordinator who will assist you to access the material.

Contact details of the provincial co-ordinator are:

Ms G. Weldon
Senior Curriculum Planner:  History
Tel.:  021-4672251, Fax:  021-4672258

Although participation is voluntary, it is hoped that all schools will avail themselves of this opportunity to be part of this national effort.

DATE: 2003:04:02

The documents, which are referred to as attachments to the circular, are not attached but are available as hard copies.