1.1 The enclosed timetable for the summative assessment of ABET Level 4 in May and June 2003 has been received from the National Department of Education.
1.2 The summative assessment commences on 26 May 2003 and ends on 12 June 2003. Each learning area will be written between 14:00 and 17:00. As this assessment is a national process, the dates and times are applicable to the whole country and no deviation from the national timetable can be allowed.
1.3 In order to deal with administrative matters, it is important for centre managers to be at the centres before the commencement and also at the end of each assessment session.
1.4 Should the assessment be conducted on the premises of a mainstream school, the centre manager must make prior arrangements for the use of the strongroom, the administration building, classrooms, ablution facilities, etc.
1.5 Centres must provide all their candidates and educators with the timetable so that they can make final preparations for the summative assessment.
1.6 Centre managers must remind all candidates that their identity documents and admission letters must be produced before the commencement of each assessment session.

As in 2002, the MLMMS question paper will consist of two sections. Only Mathematical Literacy will be examined in Section A and candidates who pass this section will receive the 16 fundamental credits. Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences will be examined in Section B and candidates who pass this section will receive 13 credits.


You are requested to wish all candidates well for the assessment on behalf of the Department.

DATE: 2003:03:31

Annexure: Assessement Timetable  (size: 9 KB)