1. Please refer to Circulars 0020/2002 of 14 February 2002 and 0129/2003 of 28 May 2003 in which your attention is drawn to the necessity of depositing all salary and related payments directly into employees’ bank accounts.
2. Please note that if an employee is appointed again and his or her salary was previously paid into his or her bankaccount electronically, it is not necessary to resubmit a Z56 form. If a completed Z56 form has, however, not been submitted before, heads of institutions must ensure that it accompanies the applicable nomination form.
3. A request for any change of banking details must be accompanied by an amended Z56 form.
4. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all persons concerned.

DATE: 2003:12:08

Form Z56  Application for salary to be deposited . . .  (size: 7 KB)