1. Attached is a summary of the WCED's Continuous Assessment (CASS) guidelines for Grade 10, 11 and 12 for 2004.
2. The detailed Subject CASS guidelines will be distributed to schools in January 2004.
3. Heads of educational institutions must note the clear distinction between Assessment for Learning (Formative Assessment) and Assessment of Learning (Summative Assessment). Although only Assessment of Learning marks will be used for CASS, schools must not neglect Assessment for Learning throughout the year.
4. Teachers must take professional responsibility for ensuring that appropriate, adequate and valid assessment for learning takes place (refer Annexure A). As manager of the curriculum, the principal must ensure that adequate measures are put in place in the school to support and monitor assessment for learning and to ensure that teaching and learning is positively supported and advanced by the process. Teachers will be expected to display exemplars of good practice in Assessment for Learning in their portfolios.
5. Heads of educational institutions must also note the distinction between the requirements for Grades 10, 11 and 12. The CASS requirements for Grade 12 of the six national subjects, i.e. Biology, Physical Science, History, Mathematics, Accounting and the Languages remain unaltered. However, the changes in the CASS requirements for these subjects in Grades 10 and 11 must be noted.
6. The CASS requirements of certain subjects in the FET band have been revised. Where there are nationally prescribed requirements, CASS requirements have been retained. Educators must study their specific subject guidelines thoroughly in order to determine whether the requirements for their subjects have been changed in any way.
7. Annexure A, Assessment of Learning (Summative assessment), indicates the prescribed CASS requirements for Grades 10, 11 and 12. These requirements consist of five components: examinations, tests, classroom-based activities, assignments and projects.
8. Annexure B provides examples of assessment activities for each of the five categories which can be used for both Assessment of Learning and Assessment for Learning.
9. Heads of educational institutions are requested to bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all educators, learners and parents/guardians.
10. Enquiries regarding the contents of this circular may be directed to directors and chief curriculum advisors attached to EMDCs.
11. The IsiXhosa version will be distributed in January 2004.

DATE: 2003:12:09

Annexure A: CASS requirements for the grades 10, 11 & 12: 2004  (size: 13 KB)
Annexure B: Descriptions of various assessment activities...  (size: 9 KB)