1. The national Department of Education (nDoE) has announced its intention (Government Gazette 25636, Volume 460 of 28 October 2003) to develop two additional subjects, Religion Studies and Civil Technology.
2. In addition, the nDoE has indicated that it has been deemed necessary that the newly- developed statements for Engineering Graphics and Design, Electrical Technology and Mechanical Technology be reviewed to ensure that they are aligned with the already developed unit standards for occupational pathways. Subject working groups will, therefore, be convened for all four of these technical subjects.
3. Each subject working group will consist of 6 subject specialists, chosen for their experience and expertise in the field. Nominations for these working groups close on 28 November 2003.
4. In the light of these developments, schools are urged not to be over-hasty in deciding to phase out technology subjects.

DATE: 2003:11:12