1. It has come to the attention of the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) that there is inconsistency in the interpretation and application of many legal aspects of the Personnel Administration Measures [PAM]. The purpose of the WCED policy for the management of the worktime of all institution-based educators as set out in the attached policy document is therefore threefold.

1.1 In the first place, the policy aims to address the many interpretations and applications of the PAM regarding the worktime of educators and all matters influencing it. Public accountability requires all government employees to comply with the regulating legislation and policies.
1.2 Secondly, the policy aims to establish uniformity in all WCED institutions in respect of the legal requirements associated with the worktime, duties and workload of institution-based educators.
1.3 Thirdly, the policy aims to protect the right of learners to receive education during the time allocated for this purpose. Parents expect their children to receive the full benefit of education while at school. Section 28 [Bill of Rights] in the Constitution of the RSA states that “A child’s best interests are of paramount importance in every matter concerning the child”.

2. The WCED wishes to express its appreciation and gratitude towards schools and educators who perform their duties diligently, sometimes under extremely difficult circumstances. We applaud the professionalism of educators who sacrifice their time to deliver the curriculum effectively and prepare our children for the future. This policy is not intended to question the commitment of educators, but to support school management teams, to bring about uniformity, and to improve the quality of service delivery to learners in all schools of the WCED.

3. The policy document, an all-inclusive, legally based management instrument, is the result of wide consultation with directorates at Head Office, EMDC directors and personnel, and the Provincial Education Labour Relations Council.

4. This policy should be read in conjunction with Circulars 21/99, 52/99, 112/99, 14/2000, 114/2000, 40/2002, 97/2002, 162/2002 and 54-66/2003. These circulars have not been repealed, but, where there are differences in respect of management between the contents of the circulars and this policy, this policy will be valid.

See also the Instructions to schools and recipients note below.

5. This policy will apply to all public schools and education centres of the WCED with immediate effect, but these institutions will be granted until January 2004 to adjust their timetables.

6. Please bring the contents of this circular and policy to the attention of all educators and members of governing bodies. Educators must be requested to read the circular and the policy document, and then to sign and date the attached form "Acknowledgement of receipt of information". The signed form must then be filed with the circular.

DATE: 2003:10:28


Instructions to schools and recipients:

The delegation document should be printed and attached to the policy document, as it is part of it.

The principal's report document is also part of the circular and should be printed by the principal to be completed and handed to the circuit manager at the end of March 2004. This is to evaluate the policy and its impact on schools.

Principals are requested to first work through the policy document with their Circuit Managers to ensure correct interpretation before the document is made available and explained to the school's staff.

Policy Document:  WCED Policy for the Management of Worktime...  (size: 56 KB)
Acknowledgement of receipt of information  (size: 6 KB)

Delegation document  (size: 6 KB)
Principal's report document  (size: 7 KB)