1. The enclosed WCED reference guide to circulars (January 1996 - 31 December 2001) has been developed to assist school management teams, teachers and members of school governing bodies in finding circulars dealing with specific topics.
2. The guide contains a chronological list of circulars according to circular numbers and an alphabetical list of the topics dealt with each year.
3. Further information in this regard may be obtained from circuit managers.
4. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all personnel and members of the school governing body.

DATE: 2003:09:09

The following documents relate to this circular.  Either ExcelŽ  or Quatro ProŽ  is required to view / print these documents.  Click on a title below: the document will open in a separate window.  To return to this circular, close the window.
Circulars 1996  (size: 53 KB)
Circulars 1997  (size: 43 KB)
Circulars 1998  (size: 56 KB)
Circulars 1999  (size: 52 KB)
Circulars 2000  (size: 60 KB)
Circulars 2001  (size: 56 KB)
Circulars 2002  (size: 79 KB)