1. The following addendum to the National Policy on the Conducting of the Senior Certificate Examinations appears in Volume 455 of Government Gazette 24852 of 9 May 2003: "The common deadline for the registration of candidates and subject grades should be 15 March 2004 and subsequently". This is a new National Policy which must be implemented by all nine provinces.
2. This implies that no grade changes can be made by Senior Certificate candidates or their schools or centres after 15 March each year. As this means that the final Grade 11 results of candidates will have to be used by schools, candidates and parents to implement final grade changes, schools must ensure that their Grade 11 examinations are of the appropriate standard. However, according to Examination Circular Minute 0014/2003 of 25 March 2003, special requests for grade changes will be considered in exceptional circumstances before 30 April.
3. Schools are reminded that decisions on grade changes must be made by the parents in consultation with the school - and not only by the school. Please refer to Circular 0050/2001 in this regard.
4. Continuous Assessment marks must be collected from the beginning of the year on the grade in which the learner enters for the Senior Certificate examination, although in some subjects marks are collected from July in the Grade 11 year.
5. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of learners, teachers, parents and school governing bodies.

DATE: 2003:07:29